2015-06-24 17:10:12 +02:00

95 lines
3 KiB

var http = require('socks5-http-client');
var cheerio = require('cheerio');
var config = require('./configuration');
var url = require('url');
//Wrapper function that is being called by express.
function schedule(req, res, next) {
get(req.match.url, function (json) {
req.match.json = json;
//Function for getting the page via http.
function get(url, callback) {
var options = url.parse(url);
options.socksPort = config().tor_port;
options.socksHost = config().tor_host;
http.get(options, function (res) {
var _download = '';
res.on('data', function (data) {
_download += data;
res.on('end', function () {
function schedule_types(page) {
var extract = cheerio('table tr td[valign="bottom"] table tr td b, table tr td[valign="bottom"] table tr td a', page).text().split(/\s\s/);
var tab = 0;
var types = [];
for (element of extract) {
element != '' ? types.push({
'letter': element.substr(0, 1),
'value' : element.match(/.*rooster|t\/m|\d\d\s\w{3}/g).join(' ').slice(1),
'tab': tab++
}) : null;
return types;
//Function for converting the page into a json dataset.
function to_json(page) {
var result = cheerio('td:nth-child(3) table', page);
var types = schedule_types(page);
var is_teacher = cheerio(cheerio(page).find('tr.CoreDark').find('td')[3]).find('a').html() == null;
var amount_of_days = cheerio(result).find('tr.AccentDark').find('td').length - 1;
var amount_of_hours = config().amount_of_hours;
var schedule_data = [];
var offset = is_teacher ? 5 : 6;
//Looping for amount of days
for (day = 0; day < amount_of_days; day++) {
schedule_data[day] = [];
//Looping for amount of hours
for (hour = 0; hour < amount_of_hours; hour++) {
var schedule = cheerio('tr:nth-child('+ (offset + hour) +')', result);
//Looping for (optional) specialhours
var amount_of_special_hours = schedule.find('table').eq(day).children().length;
schedule_data[day][hour] = {teacher: [], chamber: [], course: [], changed: []};
for (subhour = 0; subhour < amount_of_special_hours; subhour++) {
var selected_hour = schedule.find('table').eq(day).find('tr').eq(subhour).find('td');
//Give the value of the schedule hour to the fitting array.
schedule_data[day][hour].teacher[subhour] = selected_hour.eq(0).text().replace(/\r|\n/g, '');
schedule_data[day][hour].chamber[subhour] = selected_hour.eq(2).text();
schedule_data[day][hour].course[subhour] = selected_hour.eq(4).text();
//Check if the hour is 'changed' by the schedule authors, if so set to true.
schedule_data[day][hour].changed[subhour] = selected_hour.eq(0).attr().class == 'tableCellNew' ? true : false;
schedule_data.types = types;
return schedule_data;
//Exporting the schedule function.
module.exports = schedule;