//configuration.js var fs = require('fs'); //Function for loading and returning the settings.json file, makes one if there isn't one. module.exports = function () { if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/settings.json')) { //Template for settings.json if not available. var settings = { 'env' : 'dev', 'database' : 'example.com/database', 'web_port' : 1024, 'tor_host' : 'example.com', 'tor_port' : 9050, 'amount_of_hours' : 7, 'hour_times' : [ '8:45 - 9:45', '9:45 - 10:45', '11:10 - 12:10', '12:10 - 13:10', '13:40 - 14:40', '14:40 - 15:40', '15:40 - 16:40' ], 'school_id' : 934, 'links' : { 'Login': ['http://roosters5.gepro-osi.nl/roosters/rooster.php?school=INSERTYOURSCHOOL_ID', '#CCCC99'], 'Magister': ['http://INSERTYOURMAGISTER.magister.net', '#0C5489'], 'Mail': ['https://login.microsoftonline.com/', '#C41824'] }, 'spider_timeout' : 1000 } fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/settings.json', JSON.stringify(settings, null, 2)); //Write it to file as prettyprinted json. return settings; } else { return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/settings.json')); } } if (process.argv[2] == 'test') { console.log(module.exports()); }