125 lines
2.8 KiB
125 lines
2.8 KiB
extends Node
const DEFAULT_START = 'Start'
const Constants = preload('res://addons/Wol/core/constants.gd')
const StandardLibrary = preload('res://addons/Wol/core/libraries/standard.gd')
const VirtualMachine = preload('res://addons/Wol/core/virtual_machine.gd')
const WolLibrary = preload('res://addons/Wol/core/library.gd')
const Value = preload('res://addons/Wol/core/value.gd')
var _variableStorage
var _program
var library
var _vm
var _visitedNodeCount = {}
var executionComplete
func _init(variableStorage):
_variableStorage = variableStorage
_vm = VirtualMachine.new(self)
library = WolLibrary.new()
executionComplete = false
# import the standard library
# this contains math constants, operations and checks
#add a function to lib that checks if node is visited
library.register_function('visited', -1, funcref(self, 'is_node_visited'), true)
#add function to lib that gets the node visit count
library.register_function('visit_count', -1, funcref(self, 'node_visit_count'), true)
func is_active():
return get_exec_state() != Constants.ExecutionState.Stopped
#gets the current execution state of the virtual machine
func get_exec_state():
return _vm.executionState
func set_selected_option(option):
func set_node(name = DEFAULT_START):
func start():
if _vm.executionState == Constants.ExecutionState.Stopped:
func resume():
if _vm.executionState == Constants.ExecutionState.Running \
or _vm.executionState == Constants.ExecutionState.Stopped:
func pause():
func stop():
func get_all_nodes():
return _program.nodes.keys()
func current_node():
return _vm.get_current()
func get_node_id(name):
if _program.nodes.size() == 0:
return ''
if _program.nodes.has(name):
return 'id:'+name
return ''
func unloadAll(clear_visited:bool = true):
if clear_visited :
_program = null
func dump()->String:
return _program.dump(library)
func node_exists(name:String)->bool:
return _program.nodes.has(name)
func set_program(program):
_program = program
func get_program():
return _program
func get_vm():
return _vm
func is_node_visited(node = _vm.current_node_name()):
return node_visit_count(node) > 0
func node_visit_count(node = _vm.current_node_name()):
if node is Value:
node = _program.strings[node.value()].text
var visitCount : int = 0
if _visitedNodeCount.has(node):
visitCount = _visitedNodeCount[node]
print('visit count for %s is %d' % [node, visitCount])
return visitCount
func get_visited_nodes():
return _visitedNodeCount.keys()
func set_visited_nodes(visitedList):
for string in visitedList:
_visitedNodeCount[string] = 1