title: Start tags: colorID: 0 position: -1892,-1013 --- <> <> Masami: Gina, this way! #line:5d7a7c Gina: Patience! I’m coming. >Still, she didn’t pick up her pace and kept hesitantly looking around.< Masami: Everything should be fine, let’s just go. We won. Masami: Unless you are planning on backstabbing me at the finish line, that is. Gina: How funny. You are not that special. Masami: Har har. Now start walking or I’ll carry you out the front door. Masami: I don’t want to give Monokuma the time to come up with a new death game for two while we are trying to get through the exit. Gina: ... <> Masami: Wait, the vault door… It’s not open. Gina: So it seems. Masami: But that doesn’t make sense! So far we have opened one lock per two deceased. All seven locks should be open by now. >In desperation I tried the vault handle. I wasn’t exceptionally strong, but I doubted even a weightlifter could open this door whether it was held shut by one or dozen locks.< Gina: Rather than using your energy by tearing at the 700kg door- Masami: I wasn’t trying to brute force it. Gina: Anyway, I would suggest you spare a glance at the reception desk. It appears the staff has given us one last gift. Masami: The reception desk? <> Masami: A paper and... Masami: ... That’s a gun. Gina: A revolver, in fact. Such an old fashioned choice of firearm. Though, I appreciate the aesthetic. How pretty. Masami: I don’t like this. Why is it here? >I took the paper from the table and briskly unfolded it.< - Congratulations on reaching the final part of the game!- - Unfortunately, no one remembers a silver medalist.- - Let’s round up the game with a match of our favorite luck game! Russian roulette should be simple enough.- - Now then, ladies first!- -Staff- Masami: Russian roulette… Are you kidding me? Masami: This can’t be part of the game. This wasn’t in the rules! Masami: I know the winning condition hasn’t been met but- Gina: It’s rigged. Masami: What? >Gina had picked up the revolver from the table and without better judgement, opened the cylinder for inspection.< Gina: It’s rigged. Masami: ... “Ladies first.” Masami: The cylinder is full, isn't it? >Gina let out a tired sigh. Her shoulders slumping heavily from disappointment.< Gina: I got so far. Gina: I don’t know what led me to believe the outcome would be any different. Gina: This is such a waste of resources as well. Masami: Gina, put the revolver down. If the game is rigged, you don’t have to play. The rules won’t matter then. Gina: Let it rest. Gina: Like any of it matters. Masami: What do you mean? >She didn’t answer.< >Instead, she absentmindedly fiddled with the cylinder before locking it in place.< >Then she spun the cylinder for the hell of it before raising the revolver’s barrel against her very own temple.< >She looked resigned. Though I couldn’t help but notice the slight glint of fear in her eyes.< >None of us wanted to die.< Masami: Gina, please. Gina: Congratulations. Masami: Gina! <> <> [[Waking up]] === title: Waking up tags: colorID: 0 position: -1527,-881 --- You: *waking up noices* ===