title: Start tags: colorID: 0 position: 0, 0 --- <> <> // remove "to" to trigger error <> <> // Implement inline expressions Bob: Theresa, {$direction} way! #line:5d7a7c Theresa: Did you know one + one equals {$one + $one}? Bob: You wanna go somewhere? [[Go to the store|TheStore]] [[Lets stay here and talk|Talk]] === title: TheStore tags: colorID: 0 position: 0, 200 --- Clerk: Welcome to the store. Clerk: Can I help you with anything? [[Go home|Start]] === title: Talk tags: colorID: 0 position: 0, 400 --- Bob: So how are you really? Theresa: I'm good! Bob: Do you want to continue talking? -> Yes [[Start]] -> No ===